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The endoscopy procedure is an invasive procedure which involves using an endoscope to examine the interior of an organ (such as kidney) or a cavity (such as mediastinum) of the body. This is an invasive procedure as the endoscopes are inserted directly into the organ for diagnostic and / or therapeutic purposes. If the doctor finds an abnormality during the procedure, a biopsy may also be done to examine the suspected part further.

The most common types of endoscopy procedures are:

  1. Arthroscopy – Done by an orthopedic surgeon to examine joints using an Arthroscope.
  2. Bronchoscopy – A bronchoscope is used to examine the airways and/or condition of the lungs typically by a pulmonologist or ENT surgeon, by inserting it through nose, mouth or by tracheostomy
  3. Colonoscopy – A procedure done by a gastroenterologist or proctologist, to examine the colon, by inserting a colonoscope through the anus.
  4. Cystoscopy – A procedure done by Urologist to examine the bladder by inserting a cystoscope through the urethra.
  5. Enteroscopy – A procedure done by a gastroenterologist to examine the small instestine by inserting the scope through the either the mouth or anus.
  6. Hystroscopy – A procedure done by a gynecologist to examine the uterus, by inserting the hystroscope through the vagina.
  7. Laparoscopy – A procedure done by general surgeons, to examine the abdominal or pelvic areas, by inserting the laparascope through a small incision made near the part being examined.
  8. Laryngoscopy - A procedure done by an ENT specialist to examine the larynx, by inserting the laryngoscope through the mouth or nose.
  9. Colposcopy - A procedure done by a gynecologist to examine the vagina or cervix, by inserting the colposcope through the vagina.
  10. Sigmoidoscopy - A procedure done by gastroenterologist or proctologist to examine the rectum and the lower part of the large intestine called sigmoid colon, by inserting the sigmoidoscope through the anus.
  11. Thoracoscopy / Pleuroscopy - A procedure done by a pulmonologist or Thoracic surgeon to examine the area between the lungs and chest wall/ Pleura, by inserting the Thoracoscope through a small incision in the chest.
  12. Nasopharygoscopy - A procedure done by an ENT doctor, in which the doctor inserts a flexible scope tube through the nose and reaches it to the back of the throat to examine the nasopharynx.
  13. Upper GI endoscopy or Esophagoscopy/gastroscopy/duodenoscopy - A procedure done by gastroenterologist to examine the upper GI tract (Esophagus, stomach and duodenum), by inserting the scope through the mouth.
  14. Neuroendoscopy - A procedure done by a  Neurosurgeon, to examine areas of the brain, by inserting the neuroendoscope through an incision in the skull near the area to be examined.
  15. Mediastinoscopy - A procedure done by a Thoracic Surgeon, to examine mediastimun or areas between lungs, by inserting the scope through an incision above breastbone.
  16. Ureteroscopy - A procedure done by Urologist to examine the ureter and Kidney by inserting an ureteroscope through the urethra.
  17. Otoscopy – Otoscope is used by an ENT doctor to examine the ear.
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